When I was young, all I could ever do was a regular three strand braid. Modestly aside, no one really taught me how to braid, I just watched my aunts, cousins and friends do it and I was glad I learned.
Not long ago though, I just used this technique to hide my hair's imperfection. When hair tie and hats just won't work, braids could solve any girl's bad hair day. :)
Braids are perfect for summer as it keeps you looking and feeling fresh, but who says you can't sport a hair braid on a rainy or snowy day?
Here are some hair braid styles that I LOVE. I've done most of them on my friends but the pictures posted here are all from weheartit.com.
Braided Headband

Other Cool Braids

*All credit goes to photo owners. No photo copyright infringement intended.
If you own any of the photos and would like me to take them down immediately, please contact me asap!