I was really excited to go, I don't know if it was because of the branded items that she'll be selling cheaply or if it's because I was going to see her personally. When I read her blog, people often tell her that they saw her somewhere but they were to shy to approach her and she tells people not to be shy and just approach her. Divine really seems like a nice and humble person so I really wanted to see her in person.
It was stormy and going out is really a hassle but that didn't stop us. My friend and I got there around 10 am and the first voice I heard upon arriving was Divine's! I didn't want to seem like a weirdo and crazy fan girl so I didn't approach Divine right away. I went straight to her ukay walking past through her. haha! But she is really TALL and beautiful!There's a funny story upon arriving. Since the whole basketball court was occupied by stalls, there is no area left for people who want to play. My friend called my attention because she saw basketball players on the other side of the court, standing in a line and staring at the people busy selling and buying clothes, their bags are on the floor that looked like they dropped them out of despair and their shoulders are down and faces are unable to paint. They actually look like this photo:

Anyway, going back to the topic, it was really raining hard but still many people came to the event.
This is Divine Lee's stall. You can see her shoes, clothes on each side and make-ups on the table. However, I am pretty sure the make-ups aren't used. Makeover is a make-up brand she often talks about on her blog. I think Makeover is her friend's.
These are her shoes!! Go to the upper right corner of the photo and spot some Kermit Tesoro heels! OMG! I am so happy to finally see some Kermit shoes in person. Kermit is Divine's friend and she is also a very talented designer! I admire his creations each time D wears them to an event.
I don't know why I posted so weird looking like this, but this is me and the heel-less Kermit Tesoro heels.
Another Kermit Tesoro heels, the famous skeleton heels. These second hand Kermit Tesoro heels that Divine owns sell for 10,000 and that is a great steal because a brand new pair is definitely 3x the sale price.
I forgot to check the label, but I saw this shoes on Divine's blog so I took a photo.
A Gucci bag that sells for only 5,000 Pesos!!!! How crazy! If only D tweeted that she was going to sell a Gucci bag for 5,000 then I could have saved some bucks prior to going and I could have taken the bag with me home. I wonder who was able to buy this bag?
So many people!! The next photos are the other stalls in the court, I guess the owners are D's friends but I'm not sure who.
This is me and my friend trying to take some photos while the people behind us were so busy digging on pile of clothes.
I bought a dress from Divine's stall and another dress from her friend's stall. Her friend was also nice and she was so kind to buyers.
Divine's friend's Dress from Forever 21.
I got for Php 200.
Now, the only thing left to do is approach D and maybe ask for a photo with her...I got for Php 200.
My friend and I sat on the bench behind Divine's friend's stall. Suddenly, Divine approached the area and started chatting with her friends. I approached her and asked her if we could take a photo with her.
She looked at me and smiled and said "Sure....."
You all know I am tiny and Divine is tall, right? This is us....
She tried to bend her knees just so we could be on the same level. I think when she bent her knees, it just emphasized how small I am next to her. Also, I didn't want her outfit not to be seen in the photo so I told her to just stand straight just so the height difference would be seen.
So, this is us now....
Oh, goodness! If you don't know who Divine Lee is or if you are one of the few people who dislike her then I am telling you now, you should start reading her blog!
I have met many beautiful actresses and rich people before, but none of them were as kind and as humble as Divine Lee! Do I sound like a fan girl now? haha!
Some famous people, when asked for a photo just smiles at the camera and leaves immediately once the photos is taken. But, D is different. She stayed with us for about 15 minutes and chatted with us. I can't believe she did that but I am happy she did. Oh, did I forget to say? While I was trying to ignore and pretend like I was not interested to talk to her, I was busy shopping at her friend's corner. D called me and said she likes my shorts and even asked me where I got it from. I told her I got it from Rustans and she said it's really nice....
Anyway, Divine is a really nice person. I am thankful that she showed us her kindness so now I like her even more! She also called her love-Victor Basa and asked him to take our photo with V's dslr. Next, D told V to take a photo with us.
Victor looked so awkward standing next to me. hehe..
But V is also as kind as his love. While my friend and I were busy looking at Divine's stall, Victor was walking towards us.. My friend and I didn't smile but Victor was the one who smiled first. I like actors who don't take their popularity too seriously and are kind to normal people.
I also asked Divine if I could take her photo using my camera... She is a really beautiful person inside and out.
I enjoyed the garage sale and I hope Divine organizes more event like this one.
* * *
Before going home, Divine reminded us to tweet her later. I went to the mall and wifi connection was nowhere to be found. I did tweet her thrice but got no response, I guess her timeline was flooded by other people like me who like her, too. So, the next day, I posted a photo of us on Instagram. Later that night, I checked my e-mail and then I saw this:

* * *
Thank you, Divine, for proving to me that not all beautiful, rich and famous women are snob and surly. I hope to meet you again, soon!