Prior to going to this event, I went somewhere else first and I wrote about that here. I really like having a busy day because it makes me feel so productive. I don't mind being tired and weary at all, I like the excitement of rushing and trying to make it on time.
The Kpop event was held on June 29, 2012 at the 5th floor Megatrade Hall 2 in SM Megamall in Manila.
[Warning: LONG POST & photo heavy]
The line to get tickets was long but waiting outside wasn't boring at all because we saw a lot of K-pop cosplayers and dancers. They all looked so cute!
The ticket price was Php150 per head and that only includes the ticket with no free food, freebie or anything. Honestly, I thought the ticket was super expensive! How much does it cost to rent the whole megatrade hall and how many kids and fan girls went to the event? I don't know, but just simply thinking about it, the equation doesn't seem to match. Anyway....
This is what we saw upon entering... In a sea of crowd, one person stood out-or at least one standee. lol. Taeyang! Yey for VIPs!
Spot Taeyang in the photo

There were also standees of Big Bang. I took a photo with Top, because the other 4 were occupied by girls, however the photo looks so funny! I'm pretty sure Top is taller than this standee. Could at least make it life size, anyone?

There was a big Big Bang both and I'm sure many VIP's got more excited because it was like saying "Drool! Big Bang's gonna be here soon!".
There were also standees of Big Bang. I took a photo with Top, because the other 4 were occupied by girls, however the photo looks so funny! I'm pretty sure Top is taller than this standee. Could at least make it life size, anyone?
In case you didn't know, Big Bang is going to be here in the Philippines in October for their Alive concert and also to promote Jeju Air, Korea's airline.
The event was really 대박! Many people, especially fan girls and members of fandoms, came to the event. I don't know if anyone ever noticed before but people who like K-pop to death are mostly high-school students and teenagers. Have you noticed? Yes, I do like K-pop and K dramas and the culture but I'm not the type to spend $$$ for just albums, stickers, notebook, pen and badges.. I mean, I'm not the type to collect all of them and buy them all at the same time.
Okay, I mean I have SHINee stickers. Oh, some SHINee reality show cds. And, a SHINee calendar in my bedroom.. But, they were mostly given to me by my Korean students. I will spend $$$$ for a SHINee VVIP concert ticket.. But not on stuff. I saw this girl at the event who bought 5 dvds and cds of different Kpop groups. And we know how much 1 dvd costs, right? I mean, the girl looked like a high-school student but how was she able to spend that amount of money in just 1 day on those kind of stuff? I will never know...
And, I am also not the type to scream at the top of my lungs.....
when my favorite band's music video is being played on the screen.
Oh, did I forget to mention? Those kids were SCREAMING to death!!!! I went over to see what they were screaming for.. only to see the video of SNSD being played.
My friend told me there was going to be a mini Myeong Dong / Dong Dae Mun so I was excited for that, too..
Here are some booths...
The event was really 대박! Many people, especially fan girls and members of fandoms, came to the event. I don't know if anyone ever noticed before but people who like K-pop to death are mostly high-school students and teenagers. Have you noticed? Yes, I do like K-pop and K dramas and the culture but I'm not the type to spend $$$ for just albums, stickers, notebook, pen and badges.. I mean, I'm not the type to collect all of them and buy them all at the same time.
Okay, I mean I have SHINee stickers. Oh, some SHINee reality show cds. And, a SHINee calendar in my bedroom.. But, they were mostly given to me by my Korean students. I will spend $$$$ for a SHINee VVIP concert ticket.. But not on stuff. I saw this girl at the event who bought 5 dvds and cds of different Kpop groups. And we know how much 1 dvd costs, right? I mean, the girl looked like a high-school student but how was she able to spend that amount of money in just 1 day on those kind of stuff? I will never know...
And, I am also not the type to scream at the top of my lungs.....
when my favorite band's music video is being played on the screen.
Oh, did I forget to mention? Those kids were SCREAMING to death!!!! I went over to see what they were screaming for.. only to see the video of SNSD being played.
My friend told me there was going to be a mini Myeong Dong / Dong Dae Mun so I was excited for that, too..
Here are some booths...
Shin RaMyeon, Korea's famous noodle.
My students say it's not hot. When I tried it, I almost died. lol
My students say it's not hot. When I tried it, I almost died. lol
They are all so delicious!
There was also a Sparkling magazine booth with a SHINee poster at the right corner.
What did you expect? Of course, I had to take a picture with it.
After me, one Kpop cosplayer took a photo with the poster, too. I wanted to take a photo with him but hesitated and just went on. And, I will regret that later...
Here's the scenario while I tried to walk around the area! Jam packed. Divisoria much? Walk was not needed. Just stand and you'll move automatically, thanks to the people behind you who will push you forward. :)
Then, I saw a really cute thing that I've been wanting to try for the longest time...
Pink ear mufflers! Ugh! I want to wear that while walking on the street. Too bad, we only have summer and rainy season here in the Philippines. :(
Anyway, more booths...
The message is clear. No need to say more.
Jang Geun Seok.
His booth was one of the biggest and with the most memorabilia and stuff. Spot the famous pig-rabbit stuffed toy.
I really like his song "When I can't sing". It's so touching and is really a heart-felt song.
Dream High.
One of my favorite dramas.
Girls Generation.
There were other booths but failed to take a photo since many people were behind me and it was hard to snap a shot.
I also took some photos with the cosplayers.
There was this cosplayer who has blonde hair. I approached him for a photo..
I asked him who he was. He said jkhdfuer. Who? I didn't understand and I didn't know who that is, either. I thought he was playing Tae Yang because of the hairstyle. Or, Woo Young because of the hair color.
Uhm.. Woo Young.. Dae Sung.. and.. Onew?? haha! 2pm, Big Bang and Shinee in one band! FTW!
I admire you for being able to pull off yellow hair! :)
There was also a Face Shop booth where girls can avail of a free make over. How cool!
And manicure!
Look at the line of girls waiting for their turn...
I want to have this make-up train case with bulbs that turn on. It looks so professional. Where to get them? I saw one at Makeup Forever but was too pricey!!
Korean culture is never complete without having to learn a Korean word or two..
And then, the show begins!
Many groups performed. Some were blah..... but then some really stood out.
Look at the people.
60% of the population were ELFs..
Leeteuk wasn't lying when he said "This song is dedicated to the worlds biggest fan club, the ELF."
Because the area was really dominated by ELF.
I embeded the video, too, just in case you are an ELF. From U and SFS are my two favorite Suju songs. The rhythm and the lyrics are really good. Good job!
T-araNova danced Cry Cry and Lovey Dovey. The girls were pretty and they all danced well. They seemed like they rehearsed for the event.
Do you remember the blonde guy who took a photo with the SHINee poster? He danced Troublemaker with this guy. He was Hyuna. This guy was Hyun Seung. They were also good!
And then, right after he was Hyuna, he went to the other 4 boys on the stage. I was staring at him and I said "Oh, he seems like he is Taemin..." And then they formed this formation....
Oh fudge, he was playing as Taemin. Too bad! I should have taken a photo with him. lol!
This group was also amazing! They performed Sherlock and they were all so good in dancing.
This was the highlight of the event, for me. haha. You know I am a SHINee lover, right? I was happy to see these boys perform the song that I like. I wonder how much agitated I would be when I watch the SHINee boys live, soon..
* * *
This event was really fun. But I was super tired- dead tired after. My friends and I stood for about 2 hours while watching the show. We immediately run to Chatime for some refreshments.

Whew! This drink saved me. Chatime Chocolate Mousse. It was also my first time to try it and I loved it. The sweetness and the saltiness weren't overwhelming at all. Definitely going back for more.
That was really a looong but fun day! I hope you all had a great day, too!