This is a collective haul, I didn't buy all the stuff in one day. I kept them all in their bags but then I realized I threw away some of the receipts already so some items, I may not be able to say how much I got them for. You could check out their website or check at the store just in case you want to buy the same item. :)
The first I bought are these two nail polishes. I do my nails a lot and I really need to have variety of nail polish shades because it makes decorating easier.
Orly in Green apple
Revlon in shade 230 Popular
Revlon in shade 230 Popular
I also bought some eyeglasses from Fly Wear and from Aldo.
Aldo sunglasses : Php 555.
It's really hard to take off eyeshadow especially if you used a good eye primer. Also, liquid eyeliner is fab in the morning but is really a nightmare at night. I find that it's really hard to remove it especially if you only use water and soap. So, a good eye make up remover is a must.
I bought my favorite eye make up remover from The Body Shop. Php550.
I bought my favorite eye make up remover from The Body Shop. Php550.

And then I saw this really adorable brush/comb holder at Funky Finds in Trinoma. I'm pretty sure I got this for P150. And that's really amazing because I saw the same thing at Etude House and they sell this for more than 300 bucks.
It matches the mirror that I got last year from Apostrophe in Trinoma.
A girl can never have too many shoes, yes? I got this super trendy color block heels from Pop Culture, also in Trinoma. It was on sale but I'm sorry I forgot the exact price. I went there last week and I saw that they still have this in stock.
What I like about this pair of shoes is that the main color is nude. And I really like nude shoes because it makes me look taller, because I'm really short. It also has a really stylish pink strap detail.

Jellybean is one of my favorite stores. I like that they always update their collection.
However, I noticed that they have too much print items. When you walk inside the store, you'll see prints everywhere! A little toning down on the fabric material and we're okay.
However, I noticed that they have too much print items. When you walk inside the store, you'll see prints everywhere! A little toning down on the fabric material and we're okay.
Tribal print shorts
Striped skirt with black button details

This small plastic has wonders in it. I really like Landmark and I have mentioned before that it is my favorite department store ever! I never go inside the store without bringing something home with me. They have great finds that are unique yet super inexpensive.
First, I got this cute owl arm candy in aqua blue with gold detailing. I think I got it for Php150.
Then, some clothes!!! If you are looking for in style clothes but your budget is tight, then I really suggest shopping at The Landmark.
I wore this shorts to Divine Lee's event here and she complimented it. She said she likes it and even asked me where I got it from.
And then this tribal print mullet skirt that I thought was very unique. I got it for only Php230.
Next is this washed denim micro vest that I got on sale. The original price was I think Php799 but I got it for only Php299. Pretty good deal at half the price.
I see many people wearing this, I have been searching for one but they were all too expensive. I wore this denim to this event.And the last item is this mullet sheer top in colorful tribal print. I have bought a lit of sheer tops and I'm getting a little tired of them but when I saw this one, it became an exemption. I got it for Php250.
And the last item but definitely not the least. The most expensive and the most important out of all the things I bought...
*drum roll*
Canon EOS 650D / Rebel T4i DSLR!!!!!!
I've been wanting to buy a DSLR because I need good photos for this blog. I bought a new digital camera, also from Canon, only last January 2012 here. And though I feel bad for the digital camera because it didn't even spend 1 year with me, I am really happy with my new baby!!
I got it from CameraHaus in SM North Edsa for Php 47,000 or $1133.
(This unit just came out in June 2012 and I'm glad to be one of the first owners of it.
I'm going to post a separate blog article regarding my new 650D DSLR.)
(This unit just came out in June 2012 and I'm glad to be one of the first owners of it.
I'm going to post a separate blog article regarding my new 650D DSLR.)
The sellers at CameraHaus were all so kind and warm. They even gave me a free Canon bag and a free tripod. I already have 2 tripods, one is really tall and the other is really short, so I am thankful that they gave me the medium sized one.
I took up AB Mass Communication in college and we had Photography class. I didn't pay too much attention back then so now I'm regretting. I have a DSLR now but I don't know how to make it perform at its best, yet. :( I need to study again, soon.
But yeah, I am really happy with this DSLR. Now, I can give you clearer photos!! <3
That's the end of my haul.
Thanks for reading! What did you purchase recently? Let us know!
Thanks for reading! What did you purchase recently? Let us know!