Here are some rooms that I love. Enjoy! :)
This is Elle's bedroom. Her YouTube username is AllThatGlitters21.
This is one of my favorites because everything is just so girly yet so classy. I love how she didn't use the color pink but yet the room is still very feminine and chic. I would like to have a bedroom like this, or at least have a friend who has a room like this one, so that I could go to her place, hang out and maybe take some photos? lol
And then she has another video of her bedroom back in her hometown.
I guess her parents are really rich for being able to give her two awesome bedrooms!
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Next is YouTube's sweetheart's bedroom, Bethany. Her YouTube username is Macbarbie07.
She loves pink and that's very evident in her room. I love pink rooms, too.
It makes me want to go home early and just chill in my bedroom.
She has an old video of her room, too. In this video, you'll be amazed (or jealous? lol) because she has a separate room for her bed room and a separate room for her make-ups!
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She is not my favorite YouTuber, but she is Elle's younger sister. Her name is Blair and her YouTube username is juicystar07. Just like the video above, she also used the color pink as the dominant color to decorate her bedroom. I like how everything is just so colorful! She also has tons of MAC make-ups which you will see in the video and she also has her own bathroom in her room.
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This next video is not a bedroom video but rather an office/closet tour. The owner is Dulce and her YouTube username is DulceCandy87.
Her workspace is really big and it has lots of shoes, bags and clothes in it. I love it!
I would love to spend one day there and just try all her amazing stuff.
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I also came across this video showing Paris Hilton's closet. WOW, just WOW!
Take note that the video is old and was uploaded back in 2009.
Can you imagine how much her closet has grown since then?
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And then I found this video. It's a bedroom of a K-pop fan girl. This is not my favorite but I just wanted to share with you guys. I just thought it's really amazing how teenagers these days are really hooked with Kpop. I myself am a Kpop fan but I am really nothing close to this.
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And those are all the rooms that I like. I would like for my room to look like that or at least close to that. I am impressed that they are very neat and organized. I mean, I like cleaning and decorating my room. I like the feeling of being inside a clean room with fresh sheets and dust free tables. But then, it's also amazing how it takes a whole day to clean and organize a room and then just 1 hour to totally mess it up again. Fail.
Some people also asked how about my room... Well, my room is pretty decent and colorful but still nothing compared to these girls' bedrooms. But, just in case you wanted to see, here is a photo of my room.
What does your room look like? Share with us, too!