One of the best places to get vintage items is right inside your home. Have you tried raiding your mom or grandmother's closet yet? No? There's no boutique or shop more fab than your mom's/grandma's closet! I for sure have found some lovely items in my mom's cabinet and I'm sure you will be able to find some, too.

Next is the infamous Ukay-Ukay (Thrift shop).
Here's an outfit that will blow you away! Not because it's over-the-top but because the pieces were bought for a really low price!

The top was from an ukay-ukay near my home which I got for only P50 freakin' Pesos ($1).

The flowy salmon pink skirt was also bought from the same ukay-ukay for P50 Pesos ($1), too!
If you thought shopping at ukay-ukay is something to be ashamed of, then you got it wrong. My friends get excited when I tell them how cheap I got an item for, I never see them judge me just because I bought something so cheaply. So, I am so sure there's nothing wrong about it. And you will never be ashamed especially when you were able to buy a unique item that you'll NEVER see anyone else wearing for only $1, right?
Socks and Shoes were bought at the mall.

Here's a short story. My friend, Denise, and I were too busy snapping photos of me at 2 in the afternoon when suddenly an American guy approached us and asked me to draw 4 cards from his tarot card deck. I did not hesitate. This was my first card.

Anyway, this is my inexpensive vintage outfit of the day!
Never be ashamed to buy / wear something thrifted. It's not always about the price tag, yes? It's all how you carry yourself and how comfortable you feel when you wear an outfit.

Thank you for reading today!
I hope I inspire you to visit that thrift shop in your neighborhood that you've been passing and ignoring for the longest time.