Thursday, November 13, 2014

Back to School!

It's been 5 years since I graduated college. Back when I was still studying, I wanted time to go fast so I could finish school and finally get a job. Now that I'm working, I miss going to school. The irony, right? 

My friend, Nowell (who's working as a Korean language professor at the University of Santo Tomas), asked me if I could judge his student's K-pop performance. It was so sudden but because I love K-pop and I miss the feeling of entering a university gate, I happily agreed. 

UST is the oldest university in Asia. It was founded in 1611! I have always adored UST's campus. I love the architecture and the landscape!

I can't believe I got up at 5 AM and was already out by 6:30 AM! The earliest I have ever woken up to go out and do something productive for the longest time. I did wake up at around 5 AM, too, when I was in Hong Kong to get ready for Macau, but that was a trip. hehe

The class starts at 8:30 AM so we had to be there early. I love how UST isn't very strict. I am an alumna of the Far Eastern University but each time I try to visit, I always have hard time getting in, even if I have the alumni ID.

I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, though. But here are the criteria for their performance.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

I love how my friend's students are all so nice and polite!

Here's a group photo with the youngsters! They are all 17 years old, how young! 

I really enjoyed their performances! Not all of them are K-pop fans but they seemed like they had fun while performing. 

It was still a bit early for my friend to go to the Korean center (where I used to work), so my friend and I hung out at the campus.

Feeling like a tourist! lol. 

At around 12 PM, my friend went to work and I went home. hehe. The life of a home-based worker. I dropped by at the mall, though, and shopped for a few things.

That's what I did today. Thanks for reading! What did you do today?
