Thursday, December 14, 2017

Makeup, Clothes and Skin Care HAUL + GIVEAWAY!

With only 18 days left 'til 2018, I couldn't help but feel a bit stirred. 2017 has been one of my most-exciting years so far. With that, I can't help but have a grateful heart and to also look back and wonder if the things that happened to me this year would still happen if the things that happened in 2016 didn't?

Anyway, I know I haven't been active on this blog but I promise I am active and kicking on YouTube. Be sure you are subscribed to my channel here so you never miss a post! 

I LOVE DOING haul videos! Here is a new one that I uploaded this month, December 2017. It features some of the makeup, clothes and skin care items I got from sponsors and brand partners.

Which item or brand did you like the most?
I shall be doing separate posts and videos on most of the items I featured so be sure to check back from time to time. On top of that, GIVEAWAYS are always around the corner when you are following me so always keep your eyes peeled! 

If you liked this post, please don't forget to FOLLOW me on my social media accounts!
INSTAGRAM - @RealAsianBeauty
